Trusted by families, respected by colleagues


Ph.D. Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. Major: clinical psychology.

Clinical Internship, regional psychiatric hospital, Atlanta. Rotations included: rural mental health center; inner city hospital rape crisis center; adolescent inpatient unit; suburban mental health center.

B.A. University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. Major: psychology. Graduated with highest honors and individual honors in psychology.



Book Chapter:
“Child Custody Evaluations.” In: Learning Forensic Assessments, Ed. By Rebecca Jackson, Ph.D. (Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc. Inc., 2007).

Divorce Wars: Interventions with Families in Conflict. (American Psychological Association, May, 2000).

Raising a Responsible Child: How Parents Can Avoid Over Indulgent Behavior and Nurture Healthy Children. (New York: Birchlane Press, 1995).

Brazilian Edition: Educando Fihos Responsaveis: Como Evitar a Culpa e a Tolerancia Escessiva e Criar Filhos Conscientes. (Sao Paulo, Brazil: Lennart Sane Agency, 1997).

Consulting Editor:
What to Do... About Your Child's Manners by Joan Leonard. (New York: Pen and Pencil Books, Reader's Digest Assn., 1998).


(33) Ellis, E. (2012). What are the Confidentiality Rights of Collaterals in Family Therapy? American Journal of Family Therapy, 40, 369-384.

(32) Ellis, E. (2012). Are MMPI-2 Scale 4 (Pd) Elevations Common Among Child Custody Litigants? Journal of Child Custody, 9, 179-194.

(31) Ellis, E. (2012). When are MMPI-2 test results considered “outdated” for use in a child custody case? Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice, 12, 48-56.

(30) Ellis, E. (2010). Should Participation in a Child Custody Evaluation Compel the Release of Psychotherapy Records? Journal of Child Custody, 7, 138-154.

(29) Ellis, E. & Boyan, S. (2010). Intervention Strategies for Parent Coordinators in Parental Alienation Cases. American Journal of Family Therapy, 38, 218-236.

(28) Ellis, E. (2009). Should a Psychotherapist be Compelled to Release the Treatment Records of an Adolescent in a Contested Custody Case? Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 40 (6), 557- 563.

(27) Ells, E. (2007) A Stepwise Procedure for Evaluating Children for Parental Alienation Syndrome. Journal of Child Custody, 4, (1-2), 55-78.

(26) Ellis, E. (2006, May). Ten Ethical Pitfalls to Avoid When Doing Child and Family Forensic Work. Georgia Psychologist, 12-14, p. 17-18.

(25) Ellis, E. (2005). Help for the Alienated Parent. American Journal of Family therapy,33, (5) Oct.- Dec., 415-426.

(24) Ellis, E. (2001). Rationale for Conducting Custody Evaluations in Move Away Cases, American Journal of Family Law, 15 (4), 286-300.

(23) Ellis, E. (2001). What We Have Learned from 30 Years of Research on Families in Divorce Conflict. The Trowbridge Foundation Report, Olympia Washington, Summer, 2001.

(22) Ellis, E. (2000). Suggested Guidelines for Conducting Parental Fitness Evaluations. American Journal of Forensic Psychology, 19 (1), 5-40.

(21) Ellis, E. (1999). Treating the Trauma of Rape by E. Foa and B. Rothbaum. (New York: Guilford Press, 1998). Book review appearing in: American Journal of Psychotherapy, 52, (3).

(20) Phipps, A. and Ellis, E.. (1997). The Adolescent Molester by E. Breer. (New York: Charles Thomas Pubs., 1996). Book review appearing in: American Journal of Psychotherapy, 51 (no. 3),

(19) Ellis, E. (1994). The Search for Oneness. Pilgrimage, 21 (1), 2-11.

(18) Ellis, E. (1994). The Me Nobody Knows by Bean and Bennett. Book review appearing in: American Journal of Psychotherapy, 48 (3), 473-474.

(17) Ellis, E. (1992). Embracing the Leper. Pilgrimage, 18 (4), 14-19.
(16) Ellis, E. (1990). Watchers in the Night: An Anthropological Look at Sleep Disorders. American

Journal of Psychotherapy, 55 (2), 211-220.
(15) Ellis, E. (1990). Journeys into Solitude. Pilgrimage, September-October, 2-11.

(14) Ellis, E. (1990). Adult Agoraphobia and Childhood Separation Anxiety: Using Children's Literature to Understand the Link. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 54 (3), 433-444.

(13) Ellis, E. (1989). Developmental Stages in the Giving up of Grandiosity. The Psychotherapy Patient, 5 (3/4), 45-60.

(12) Ellis, E. (1988). Illusions. Pilgrimage, 14 (6), 17-26.

(11) Ellis, E. (1987). Living Passionately. Pilgrimage, 13 (6), 22-27.

(10) Ellis, E. (1985). Primitive Agonies. The Psychotherapy Patient, 1 (4), 49-60.

(9) Ellis, E. (1983). A Review of Empirical Rape Research: Victim Reactions and Response to Treatment. Clinical Psychology Review, 3 (4), 473-490.

(8) Ellis, E., Atkeson, B., & Calhoun, K. (1982). An examination of differences between single- incident and multiple-incident victims of sexual assault. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 91 (3), 221- 224.

(7) Ellis, E. (1982). Feeding the Hungry Client. Voices, 17 (3), 32-37.
(6) Atkeson, B., Calhoun, K., Resick, P., & Ellis, E. (1982). Depressive Reactions in Victims of Rape.

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 50 (1), 96-102.
(5) Resick, P., Calhoun, K., Atkeson, B., & Ellis, E. (1981). Social Adjustment in Victims of Sexual

Assault. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 49 (5), 705-712.
(4) Ellis, E., Atkeson, B., & Calhoun, K. (1981). Assessment of Long-term Reactions to Rape. Journal

of Abnormal Psychology, 90 (3), 262-266.
(3) Ellis, E., Calhoun, K., & Atkeson, B. (1981). Sexual Dysfunction in Victims of Rape. Women and

Health, 5 (4), 39-47.
(2) Ellis, E. (1981). Loss of Innocence: The Thirties Passage. Voices, 18 (1), 11-20.

(1) Ellis, E., & Nichols, M. A. (1979) A Comparative Study of Assertiveness Training Groups for Women. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, and Practice, 16 (4), 467-474. (dissertation study)


(7) Ellis, E. "Legal and Psychological Management of Parental Alienation Cases." Gwinnett County Bar Association Newsletter, October, 2002.

(6) Ellis, E. "Representing Your Client Who has Been Falsely Accused of Sexual Molestation," Gwinnett County Bar Association Newsletter, Nov.-Dec. 2000.

(5) Ellis, E. "Living and Lawyering. A Five-Part Series on Managing Stress." Gwinnett County Bar Association Newsletter, Jan., 2000.

(4) Ellis, E. "A Brief Primer on Suicide for the Family Law Attorney." Georgia Family Law Newsletter, October, 1999.

(3) Ellis, E. "When Should a Divorce Attorney Refer a Couple for Marital Therapy?" Georgia Family Law Newsletter, Nov., 1998.

(2) Ellis, E. "Stalking the Stalker," Pt. II. Gwinnett County Bar Association Newsletter, Sept./Oct., 1998.

(1) Ellis, E. "The Art of Assessing for Dangerousness," Pt. I, Gwinnett County Bar Association Newsletter, July/August, 1998.


(14) “What to Look for in a Top Notch Custody Evaluation.” Training for Guardians ad litem, Cobb County, May 11, 2007.

(13) “When Should an Attorney Refer a Client in a Divorce Case to a Psychologist for Treatment?” Brief presentation to the joint conference of the Georgia Psychological Association and the Family Law Section of the State Bar of Georgia, Destin, Florida, May, 2006

(12) “Parental Alienation Syndrome: “How Far Have We Come Since 1987, Where Are the Courts Going with PAS?”; “Recent Trends in Move Away Custody Cases: Is the Tide Turning Toward Non- Custodial Parents?”; “20 Quick Tips on Cross Examining Experts in Child and Family Litigation.” Invited one day presentation to the North Dakota Bar Association, November 19, 2004.

(11) "Recent Trends in Custody Cases: The perfect storm." Family Law Section of the Gwinnett Bar Assn., Lawrenceville, GA, May, 2003.

(10) “Crafting Visitation Plans for Infants and Small Children,” presentation at the conference “Therapeutic Justice: Family Law Attorneys and Mental Health Professionals Working Together.” Family Law Section of the Atlanta Bar Assn., Atlanta, GA, March, 2003.

(9) "Rationale for Evaluations in Relocation Cases." Presentation to the Gwinnett Bar Association luncheon. Lawrenceville, GA. March, 2002.

(8) "Highlights from Divorce Wars", Georgia Psychological Association Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, April, 2001


(7) "What Have We Learned From 30 Years of Research on Families in Divorce Wars?" invited address, conference of the American College of Forensic Psychology," Toronto, Canada, April, 2001

(6) "Stress Management," Invited Talk, for the Institute of Continuing Judicial Education, U. of GA. Law School, July, 2000, St. Simons Island, GA.

(5) "Mock Trial," Georgia Psychological Association, Savannah, GA., April 2000. With: Hon. James Bass, Attorneys James Blackburn, Clayton Metts.

(4) "Conducting Personal Injury Evaluations," Georgia Psychological Association, Forensic Interest Group, Feb., 2000.

(3) "What Every Custody Evaluator and Family Therapist Should Know About Family Law in Georgia," Georgia Psychological Association Annual Meeting. Emory Conference Center. (with attorneys: Sylvia Martin and Randy Kessler). May, 1999.

(2) "Children who Resist Visitation," Georgia Psychological Association Annual Meeting. St. Simons Island, GA. May, 1998.

(1) "Strengths and Weaknesses to Look For in Custody Evaluations," Family Law Section, Atlanta Bar Assn., luncheon seminar, April, 1998.


Spring 2014. “Understanding Depression in Teens, pt. 11”

Fall 2013. “Understanding Depression in Teens, pt. 1”

Spring 2013. “What are the Effects of Electronic Media on Teens?”

Spring, 2012. “Sleep Deficit in Teens: A Call for Later High School Start Times.”

Fall, 2011. “Beware Treatments that Harm Adolescents, Pt. II: PTSD, Eating Disorders, Grief Counseling”

Spring, 2011. “ Beware Treatments that Can Harm Adolescents” Spring, 2010. “How Can We Help Boys Achieve in School?” Fall, 2009. “Why Are Boys Lagging Behind Girls in School?”

Spring, 2009. “Living with and Loving Your Defiant Teen,” Pt. 2 Fall, 2008. “Living with and Loving Your Defiant Teen,” Pt. 1. Spring, 2008. “Helping the Overanxious, Perfectionistic Teenager.”


Spring, 2007. “What Makes My Teenager So Moody and Impulsive? New insights from neuroscience.”

Fall, 2006. “How serious is it that my adolescent is staying out after curfew, experimenting with drugs, skipping school, and has been caught shoplifting?”

Spring, 2006. “Cutting Among Adolescents. A Dangerous Trend?”
Fall, 2005. “Hold On, It’s Going To Be a Bumpy Ride! Raising the ADHD Teenager.”


"Why I Love My Job." Atlanta Journal Constitution, Feb. 3, 2002. p. R3.
"Six Things Good Moms Never Say." McCall's Magazine, July, 1996. (guest columnist).

"Parents Who Love Too Much." Ladies Home Journal, parenting supplement. March, 1996. (book excerpt).


Clinical psychologist, private practice. Child, Adolescent, Adult Psychotherapy; psychoeducational evaluations on children; child and adult forensic evaluations.

Project Coordinator, University of Georgia. Directed large scale, NIMH funded research study, trained staff, gathered extensive data on 200 subjects, published research findings, gave presentations to national conferences.

Staff Psychologist, Children's Hospital. Evaluated developmentally delayed infants and children as part of a multidisciplinary team; developed behavior modification and play therapy programs for autistic and self-injurious children.

2014, March 10-12. Training the staff of Alternative Sociale in conducting child custody evaluations, Iasi, Romania.

1990 - 1991 Adjunct faculty, Georgia School of Professional Psychology, Winter quarter, Spring quarter


1977 Applied psychology, State of Georgia, No. 52l



member, American Psychological Association

member, Georgia Psychological Association


Member: Piedmont Park Conservancy, Morningside-Lenox Park Association,
Planned Parenthood of Georgia,
Unitarian-Universalist Congregation of Atlanta,
Southern Bicycle League,
Chattahoochee Country Dancers,
Atlanta Writers Club..
Board of Directors,
Gwinnett Rape Crisis, Inc., chair of volunteer training (1987-1991)
Member, Board of Health Providers, Head Start Programs of Atlanta (1980-1982)