Raising Your ADHD Child:

A practical guide for frazzled parents.

In this forthcoming book, Dr. Ellis provides time-tested solutions for everyday problems that come up in families of ADHD children—with detailed instructions, scripts to follow, and case studies. The reader can go to the specific chapter that addresses their problem and find answers in minutes. Additional chapters offer guidance on how to maintain a positive parent-child relationship.

Advance praise for Raising Your ADHD Child

"Dr. Ellis provides practical strategies to help families who are raising a child(ren) with ADHD. She even adds suggested scripts to help parents know what to say as well as the tone in which to speak to their child to have a greater likelihood of getting the desired result. She educates parents and families about ADHD and helps remove the shame "so that problem-solving can occur instead of continued paralysis, avoidance, or the use of ineffective methods that just frustrate parents and children."

– Dr. Samantha Jordan, Insight Psychological Solutions, Marietta, Georgia

From the blog:

About the Author

Dr. Ellis did her undergraduate work at the University of Florida and completed her doctoral degree in clinical psychology at Emory University in 1977. She worked as a research director on a NIMH project on recovery from trauma from 1978 through 1979. She has been in full time private practice in the Atlanta area since 1980. Dr. Ellis lives in Atlanta where she is active in her church, is a member of the Piedmont Park Conservancy and the Morningside-Lenox Park Neighborhood Association. Her interests are: reading, traveling, bicycling, hiking and collecting photography. She is a member of the American Psychological Association and the Georgia Psychological Association.

Contact Dr. Ellis

Previous Books from Dr. Ellis:

"This most important book explains to today's parent the cause of many problems they are having. Even more important, it gives them the steps they need to follow to overcome these problems. This book points the way toward what we should all be doing to raise the next generation to be more responsible and happy."

— Stephen W. Garber, Ph.D., Psychologist and coauthor of Good Behavior, If Your Child Is Hyperactive, and Monsters Under the Bed

“Elizabeth M. Ellis has done for the field of divorce and children what William Hodges did a decade ago with his volume Interventions for Children of Divorce. Dr. Ellis has taken us through the research findings of the 1990s and into the 21st century by documenting what has been learned in the past ten years.

In this volume, Dr. Ellis has compiled research techniques and approaches in some of the critical decision-making areas that comprise high-conflict divorce. Importantly, she also discusses some of the remediation programs, such as parent coordination, special mastering, and other interventions, that address the much-needed corrective process of protecting children from what we now know are the harmful effects of high-conflict divorce.”

— Carla B. Garrity, Ph.D., and Mitchell A. Barris, Ph.D., authors of Children of Divorce and Caught in the Middle